Sunday, January 22, 2006

Well it has been a busy weekend! Jen took baby Zoe on her first trip out of state. Sadly the trip was the result of family moving away, but we hope to see them again soon. I was also gone to the back woods of Wisconsin. No, I was not off killing things, but instead of the joy of hunting I had the joy of Jr and Senior High school students on a winter retreat. I will post my thoughts on the retreat later. Today is dedicated to missing my beautiful ladies and finally posting the pictures of Zoe that my family have been waiting on for so long.
This first picture is of me holding Zoe while working on my blog.

In this picture I was trying to teach Zoey to sit up.

Zoe enjoys her fist. You can read more about that on her mom's blog.
You can get there by clicking on the link in the side panel .

She has quickly out grown the need for the support pillows.

If you can't tell from the pictures we believe that Zoe will be a redhead like her mom. She does have her fathers dimples though!
I hope to get a picture of them soon.

Having mastered the art of leaning Zoey now demands a place of honor on dad's stomach! Dad doesn't mind at all.

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